Demystifying Error Bars: Navigating Uncertainty in Scientific Research

Nijiati Abulizi
2 min readJul 28, 2023

In the world of scientific research, error bars are commonly used to represent uncertainty in estimates. However, their interpretation and the significance of their overlap often lead to misconceptions. In this article, we shed light on the meaning of error bars and how they relate to statistical significance. By clarifying these concepts, we aim to help readers navigate scientific publications with a better understanding of uncertainty.

The Role of Error Bars

Error bars are visual representations of uncertainty in scientific data. They serve to illustrate the range of values around an estimated statistic, accounting for the variability inherent in the measurement process. Three common types of error bars include standard deviation (s.d.), standard error of the mean (s.e.m.), and confidence interval (CI). Each type provides different insights into the data and should be interpreted accordingly.

Misconceptions and Misinterpretations

One prevalent misconception is that the overlap or separation of error bars directly indicates statistical significance. However, this is not always the case. The significance of differences between values depends on the type of error bar used and should not be solely determined by visual overlap. It is essential to differentiate between s.d. and s.e.m. bars, as they represent distinct measures of uncertainty.

Understanding Error Bar Types

Error bars based on standard deviation (s.d.) inform us about the spread of the population and can predict the range of new samples. They reflect the variation in the data but do not directly indicate the error in measurement. On the other hand, error bars based on the standard error of the mean (s.e.m.) reflect the uncertainty in the mean and its dependency on the sample size. Contrary to common belief, the overlap or separation of s.e.m. bars does not determine statistical significance.

The Confidence Interval Approach

Confidence intervals (CIs) provide an intuitive measure of uncertainty. They indicate the range within which the population parameter is likely to fall. By scaling the CI to a specific confidence level (e.g., 95% CI), the interval captures the population mean with a certain frequency. The size and position of the CI bars vary with each sample, making it crucial to understand that a CI does not guarantee to capture the mean of a second sample from the same population.

Figure 1: A bar plot with three types of error bars: s.d. (black), s.e.m. (red), and CI (blue). The plot displays the mean values for different groups along with their respective error bars representing the uncertainty.

Error bars play a vital role in representing uncertainty in scientific publications. By recognizing the differences between error bar types and understanding their limitations, readers can avoid misinterpretation. Developing a clearer understanding of error bars empowers individuals to navigate scientific research with confidence, making informed assessments of the significance of results.



Nijiati Abulizi

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